Couples & Engagements

Huntington Beach Engagement Session | Jackie & Andrew

engaged couple standing on Huntington Beach

Jackie and Andrew’s love story is something straight out of a romantic comedy movie. They met seven years ago, at an anti-Valentine’s Day party of all places. It’s safe to say that neither of them expected to meet their future spouse in such a setting. In fact, their story was almost entirely short-lived; after spending much of the night chatting, Andrew forgot to get Jackie’s number! It wasn’t until several weeks later that they finally reconnected. They were constantly exchanging text messages. The relationship quickly blossomed to the point where we got to meet up for their Huntington Beach engagement session.

I loved spending the afternoon third-wheeling with these two and watching their dynamic as they showed me their favorite boba shop and burger restaurant (Andrew considers Red Robin “the happiest place on Earth”). Jackie is naturally a self-described “robot” when it comes to expressing her feelings. In contrast, Andrew unabashedly wears his emotions on his sleeve. You’ll see that neither of them held back their affection throughout our session. The two of them were so intently focused on having fun and loving on each other. As a photographer, I can’t ask for anything more! As Andrew would say, “the cheese is real”. And my philosophy when it comes to engagement photos is similar to my philosophy when it comes to nachos: the more cheese the better 😂

The sweetest moment came when I was directing them to get in real close, and asked Andrew to give Jackie a kiss on the temple. He instinctively brought his hand up and cradled the back of her head to bring her closer while asking me, “Is this okay? This is what I normally do.” Guys, my heart melted, and that shot easily became one of my favorites of the day.

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  1. […] Jackie & Andrew | Huntington Beach […]

  2. […] Check out Andrew & Jackie’s engagement session here. […]

  3. […] to her phone and smiling while texting you, Andrew, while we were on a trip. You took the girl who previously boasted she had no emotions, and gave her a safe space to lean into her feelings. I am so glad you two have found each other […]

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